Saturday, June 20, 2009

Because of the invincibility thing

Because of the invincibility thing
I never thought I’d see disaster
in my corner of the sky.
Then the tragic came upon me
with a paradoxical dynamism
attacking then retreating
taking away, then remitting
then taking away
creating a condition
where my days were fraught
with acts of regression.
At that moment I understood
the riddle of the Sphinx.

My body was once
a multi-faceted, balanced jewel.
Now it is a queer thing
a decaying clockwork.
My muscles are
like springs no longer elastic
The lenses of my eyes are
cracked and unable to focus.
My once sensitive fingers
are mere blocks of wood.

I wanted to stay original,
a man who is the proud possessor
of a strong will.
But my streams of opportunity dry up
I stagger across the border
of a strange land.
Constantly asking
where I am going?
where I am going?

Swear words are well-suited
to such moments.
My prayers strings of profanities.
Life is no longer a journey,
but a journey to a destination.
Like one who is trapped in the desert
I slowly discard possessions
that now have no value and that
I no longer have the strength to carry.

Capitano Tedeschi


For Lenny and Dorothy and all who have MS

Because of the invincibility thing copyright June 19, 2009 by Jamie Jacks


Linda said...

I don't have MS, but I sure identify with the decay. The destination is the same ... the journey might just be a little longer.

jseals822 said...

Wow. Thanks Jaimie

Me said...

I have a huge list to let go of

I can't carry it anymore either.
I need to help myself now, and lighten my load.

Weight, possessions, and inflexible mental contents. These are all endangering my quality of life.