Thursday, February 18, 2010

The cult of the cardboard Ronald Reagan

To me right now feels like a winter
that has nopromise of the rebirth of spring
Now is the twilight of Empire,
It's as if we live at the intersection
of two acidifying and dying seas.

But unworried are some
sedentary, aging Americans
who hate gays, love guns, and believe
that everything in the bible
is the word of God and everything
in the bible is true.
That God will take care of his elect
and God's elect don't include
me or you.

Their thinking has been stunted
since elementary schoold
they are blind to how
their preferences and their perversity
are now shaping their consequences
the way a broken lathe
mars the once perfect steel.

Their every day lives
are lived apart
they are guided by the senile
cult of a cardboard Ronald Reagan
and the pernicious optimism
of the bizzarre propserity Gospel,
which says God is like a slot machine
prayers are like nickels and if
you believe and pray
the machine will finally pay off.

They love AMERICA,
That romanticized
Ozzie and Harriet world
where gas was 47 cent a gallon
Negroes and Mexicans were amusing and
kept their place.
But since this world doesn't exist
they try to recreate it wherever they wander
Sucking oil from hostile ground and
complaining that Swedish Wal-Marts have
high prices and marvelling that it
costs the equivalent of $17.40
to get a Whopper and Fries at
the only Burger King in Oslo Norway.

To perserve their illusions
they don't mind attaching some A-Rab's
testicles to a car battery.
That to them is justice, not torture.
That sex education is abstinence only because
sex is for procreation and only
sanctioned in man-woman marriage.

Don't waste their time
arguing different biological perspectives
or mention Anthropogenic global warming
whatever that is.
There is no environmental contamination
or embryonic abnormalities
leading to higher rates of infant mortality
amongst the so-called poor.
"Lazy is as Lazy does," they'd say.

It would be easy to dismiss them
save for the fact that when criminals get
political power disaster is there way.
In WWI the Germans used mustard gas
against the British, Americans, Beligians and French,
But sent Lenin to Russia to spread the virus of
The cult of the cardboard Ronald Reagan
The pervision of the Prosperity Gospel.
That is the new virus,
they are the new Bolsheviks.
Their way is human suicide.
That is what must be treated now.

Capitano Tedeschi

30 The cult of the cardboard Ronald Reagan copyright Feb. 19, 2010 by Jamie Jacks

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