Friday, April 23, 2010

Defenders of the Gunfighter Republic

By their works you shall know them
their Bible says
They are the Defenders of
The Gunfighter Republic
They have no doubt that
Theirs is
The TRUE America

Their heroes are cardboard cutouts
of senile B-Movie cowboys
The Duke, The Gipper,
and of course The Maverick

Their leaders are the
college drop-out pundits
of 24-Hour cable news
The pundits paid
by the Crony Capitalists of
the previous regime

Who Rumplestiltskin-like
spin hate and paraonoia
into Euros and Yen by selling the Defenders
all the guns, gold and Army rations
they can buy.

And buy the Defenders do,
for theirs is no ordinary madness.
Every week they throng in the hundreds
(made legion by Faux News)
With signs and their sacred guns
spewing vicious hate and
believing that their rantings
are a Noble and Masculine spectacle

Showing that they are prepared
for the coming Apocalypse or Armageddon
When God's Elect will be sent
direct to their Disneyland Dream
of Heaven

While the earth below is roiled
by Satan or the Anti-Christ or Barack Hussein Obama
or whoever they happen
to hate at the moment.

Capitano Tedeschi


Defenders of the Gunfighter Republic copyright April 23, 2010 by Jamie Jacks

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