Why am I always tempted
with desire produced by
male-ego enhancing
hormones that activate the
stupid centers
of my brontasaurus-sized brain?
For when my blood surges
with neuro-chemical compounds
I plunge me into
those silly capers
that should embarrass a rational
middle-aged man.
Before I know it I'm out
asking undercover policewomen
for a date and naming a price,
or asking my boss
how long his brain was deprived
of oxygen before he was revived
Thus I go dancing monkey-like
through the shallower part
of the river of life
squeaking, squealing and
waving arms
which are now longer than my legs
It's then that an observant Fool
Oh, they're everywhere these days
always perched in the dense and somber shade
always watching from the borderline
that separates the magical from the practical
Oh the Fool will see me and by
applying their logical formulas
think they are seeing a miracle
or mistake my squeaks and squeals
for the raving of a new Messiah
or believe that I'm not splashing
I'm really walking on water.
Is that me or my ego's fault?
My fault naturally.
You weren't mistaken
you were deceived.
In time you'll realize
that it was just
testosterone driven me
dancing in life's river
mimicking a monkey
and not really doing
a very good job.
Capitano Tedeschi
Mimicking a monkey. Copyright June 25, 2011 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
At least you aren't sending Weiner photos over the Internet... are you? ;) Great poem.
My word verification: pleasto: A trilling sound made by male birds to attract mates.
Thank you for the kind words. No even worse. Just forcing myself to blog and write every day. 30
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