My life now
writ large on a six story
virtual billboard.
I am followed on all seven continents
North Korean hackers smirk at
my profile picture
The CIA scans my posts
for clues to the location in Pakistan
of Ayman al-Zawahiri
The world's most buxom women
send me their pictures
and beg me to give them love.
If I'm really lucky I could get
a free IPad for $20.
(Still haven't quite figured out how
that one works yet).
Don't get me wrong
it's a dangerous world
filled with zombies, perverts, and academics.
My movements, visions, and sentiments
are shared with millions.
They smile when they read
that I've just heard the roar of an African lion
Comfort me when I post
pictures of my bleeding finger
and remind me that thistles are barbed
and that roses have thorns.
And when I say that I have just
licked the salty sweat from the skin
of a woman's sternum...
"Like" that one did you?
Capitano Tedeschi
"Like" that one did you? copyright June 22, 2011 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
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