I can't pretend anymore
I can't ignore the warnings
of the coming of a terrible,
dislocating disaster
A volcanic apocalypse
that will entomb us
in suffocating ash
and molten rock
What I'm fearing
Jesus never preached
Jesus never predicted
dying on the cross
So that two millenniums later
his so-called followers
can crucify the world.
Every night the ungodly Godly
use the gleaming beam of false information
to create a ever-changing narrative,
a macho screed of
false posturing and logic
defying half-truths.
I want to scream liar! liars!
as if my angry voice could shatter
them like brittle glass
Still they keeping talking
cause they know if they lie fast enough
they can never be burned.
Oh these pampered spiritual eunuchs
in their silken suits on their naugahyde
upholstered thrones
despising fact
shouting lies in which every sentence
invokes their senile dead God Ronald Reagan
and their faux prelude to Armageddon,
September 11.
The fragrance of their corruption
wafts over the globe
from the torture chambers
of Abu Ghraib
to the office rooms of Goldman Sachs
Can they be stopped?
I don't know
I feel the minor tremors
as their tectonic vileness
subsumes the very ground
upon which I try to stand
I want to flee
to warn others
of the death and ruination
that awaits
As the ungodly Godly embrace darkness
and the darkness--evil
embraces them back
Capitano Tedeschi
The ungodly Godly copyright June 21, 2011 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
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