Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing
You can strangle
perception by assuming
the manners of
or looking like your enemy
In the world of wealth
without wisdom
it is easy to decieve
and fleece the sheep
who have all the money
Because no one questions
a wolf in Shepherd's clothing
Money the bible says
is the root of all.
If a demon has enough money
he can exploit poverty
to indulge in every vice
every excess of deviance.
Money is the lever that
allows you to create
Create a cult of diabolic power
to turn good people into the servants
of darkness
Money buys freedom to
indulge desires that lurk
always in the dark.
Protected all the while by the
impenetrable shield
of patriarchal authority,
by day you play the saint
by night you pursue all
all manner of erotic violence
Preying on youth
destroying all innocence
There's no limit to what you can do
when you are shielded by the hand
that wear's St. Peter's ring.
While the Carrollers sang Oh Holy Night
Coldest Christmas ever in Des Moines
the parishioners said.
It was cold that Friday night
But the yellow church bus
was happy and warm as it rumbled through
the cold, dark winter's eve.
The carrollers sang "Oh Holy Night"
He sang loudest of all
the lusty angel of the Lord.
No one saw how his right hand
stroked Tommy's upper thigh
Whenever the carrollers paused
to catch their breath
he would whisper in the boy's ear
"Tommy are you safe?"
"Tommy are you warm?"
"Yes, Father," Tommy would whisper.
Ten months ago the whole congregation
marvelled when he 'adopted' the 11-year-old
runaway boy.
Now no one wondered
no one noticed at all.
The Carrollers sang
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
his fingers gently pinched Tommy's thigh
"Tommy, God loves you," he whispered.
"Do you know God loves you Tommy?"
"Yes, Father," Tommy whispered.
Knowing what was coming.
Trying not to cry.
Capitano Tedeschi
Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing & While the Carrollers sang Oh Holy Night Copyright April 14, 2010 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
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