I imagine myth
as a kernel of truth
embedded in the husk of a fantastic lie
or an irrational fantasy
But myths like seeds can make things grow
consider these myths
"all are created equal,"
"work hard and get ahead,"
and "follow your bliss."
Even though the chances of success
may be razor thin
I have used such myths
in my daily life
through them I gave
performances of meaning
that in individual and small ways
gave a satisfying taste
to daily real life.
I even discovered
that some myths can extend
beyond me, beyond the time
when and where I reach my
personal Day of the Dead.
Sometimes myths can become
lies embedded in the husks of lies
then what is fantastic becomes evil
and that which once revealed inner truths
now is a spur to self-deception.
The fires of my personal hells
were fueled by lying to myself
living a lie
made me prey to a stupidity
that spread itself through the
molecular proteins of my being.
Selfishness, stupidity and self-deception
became the structure around which
I built my life.
I ceased to care for others
ceased asking when? or how? or why?
I no longer had time
for such simple one-word questions
I was one of millions
floating above the ground
like a wind-driven plastic bag
all my actions and interactions
driven by delusion
everything I did or do
takes a life
or turns an oasis into a desert
All the while I continued to make
meaningless sacrifices
to gods now senile
their gold flaked icons
stripped of mystical value
myths had lost their meaning
I caught glimpses of decay
in the corner of my eyes
phantom dogs
feeding on the corpses of
the abandoned and unloved
my fellow beings two-legged simulacra
running bent over like deranged apes
trying to scavenge some type of sustenance
from a moonscape of poverty,
degradation and despair.
Capitano Tedeschi
Myths and their meaning, copyright April 21, 2010 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
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