Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spare Change & Arise Tim McVeigh

Spare Change We Can Believe In

The bum
outside the bookstore
Asks for spare change
probably to buy crank or Ripple

Would he be here
if he had had access to
affordable mental health care?
I don’t give him
Any spare change

Arise Tim McVeigh!!!

A Kenyan Muslim is president
Liberals, those Socialist, Nazi, Commie, Fags
run my country
in eight months
they have destroyed America
with their false promises
of affordable health care
And their unspoken threats to
seize our guns.

The body of Oklahoma City bomber
Timothy McVeigh moulders
in some unmarked grave.
His soul yearns to rent a Ryder truck
and park it outside
an inner city daycare center
His proud soul yearns
to march on
America awake!!!!!!!!.

Capitano Tedeschi


Spare Change & Arise Tim McVeigh copyright Sept. 1, 2009 by Jamie Jacks