Rain Maker
It is getting dark
The sun has set,
All that is left of the day is
A yellow band of light
A ribbon hovering
Just above the peaks of the mountains
Of the Temblors and the Coast Range
Like a wind blown piece of silk
I sit on a bus bench, that is on an edge
Of the city of Bakersfield
Drinking ice water from a sports bottle
My dog lies behind me
Licking her paws.
In the distance I see lights starting
To blink a reddish yellow
The lights are people in houses
In Fellows, Mariposa and Taft.
Lights of pumping units and
Transformer stations
Strung like party lights
Along the foothills of this mountainous bowl
That rings the Southern San Joaquin Valley.
Seven years I have lived
One half mile from this bus bench
And this is the first time
I have come with my dog
To contemplate the sunset
So I sit as twilight becomes
Evening and a cool summer night begins.
Finally it is time for me and my dog
To head home.
I pour my remaining water out as a libation
Thank God for the blessing and the gift of rain
I pray for rain for this drought stricken valley
Cars rush by.
kids racing past the high School
Adults in SUV's on some important errand
I don't expect my prayer to be answered
Miracles happen all round me
Provided I have eyes to see
I don't need my prayer to be answered.
But I guess, one has to pray for something.
Capitano Tedeschi
Rain Maker copyright Sept. 15, 2009, by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
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