It appears that she was planning on announcing that she wasn't going to seek re-election in 2010. According to the statement she made in front of the camera, since she wanted to avoid lameduck status as a Governor. She used the basketball metaphor, saying she was the victim of "a full-court press" from the national media. So she said that passing the ball to another player so the "team" i.e. Alaskans can win. According to Gov. Palin, "I know when it's time to pass the ball for victory."
She then went on to say, "All I can ask is that you trust me with this decision, that it is no more poltics-as-usual." According to Gov. Palin, "Some are going to question the time of this, but this decision has been in the works for a while." She then contradicted that statement by saying that her resignation was like calling "an audible to pass the ball in time so the team can win." She also didn't seem to realize that her resignation was not the final act of her state political career. She praised Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, and then said, that she will, "always be standing by, ready to assist." She concluded her statement by quoting Gen. Douglas MacArthur, "We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction."
In the her statement, which somewhat clearer, since it was devoid, of right-wing cliches, attacks against the media, and inane sports metaphors, Palin said,
I am determined to take the right path for Alaska even though it is not the easiest path," said Governor Palin after the announcement. "Once I decided not to run for re-election, I also felt that to embrace the conventional 'Lame Duck' status in this particular climate would just be another dose of 'politics as usual,' something I campaigned against and will always oppose. It is my duty to always protect our great state. With that in mind, my family and I determined that it is best to make a difference this summer, and I am willing to change things, so that this administration, with its positive agenda, its accomplishments, and its successful road to an incredible future, can continue without interruption and with great administrative and legislative success. I look forward to helping others - to fight for our state and our country, and campaign for those who believe in smaller government, free enterprise, strong national security, support for our troops, and energy independence.
When you decide to enter into the life of a public servant, your life becomes public, and you also commit to serve. If Gov. Palin had wanted to keep the lives of her and her family out of the public spotlight, she should have declined John McCain's offer of the second spot on the Republican Party's 2008 Presidential ticket. She also seems to think that it is unfair that she is catching a lot of media attention, i.e. heat, for her incompetence, unethical behavior, and just general unfitness for any kind of public office higher than mayor of Wasilla Alaska.
Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo had an a good take on Palin's announcement,
Okay, we're getting our first indication of what happened. It seems like a colossal sulk on Palin's part, or perhaps better to say an effort on her part to ingeniously combine anti-liberal media bias agitation with Christianist politics by portraying herself as having been crucified by the liberal media.
Said Palin, according to a reporter at the press conference, "You are naive if you don't see a full-court press on the national level, picking apart a good point guard."
Oh, my. Her political career is essentially over. Andrew Sullivan of the Atlantic said
I guessed right, which I suppose reflects just how much time I've spent trying to figure what goes on in her head. I think the simple truth is that, as even Alaskan Republicans told us last September, she was far from able to be governor of Alaska, let alone vice-president of the United States. Once the klieglights hit, it was only a matter of time before she imploded or exploded or some gruesome combination of the two. The librul media will be blamed for everything on her inexorable path to becoming a Fox News celebrity. Maybe a reality show? Someone hire her for The View!
Mark Kleiman writing at The Reality Based Community was a little more generous than Sullivan,
I'm trying to remind all my friends that Palin, like Bush, is not stupid, and that calling her stupid offends tens of millions of Americans who know as little about public affairs as she does, or less, don't consider themselves stupid, and are in fact capable of making perfectly reasonable decisions about the things they do know and care about. But I'll certainly concede "incoherent."
If there's not a huge bombshell about to explode, then we can only conclude that that woman John McCain wanted to put one unreliable heartbeat from the Presidency is simply a total flake.
We may never know the real reason why Gov. Palin chose to resign. The Anchorage Daily News, whose reporting on Gov. Palin, has been at all times rigorous and fair, summed up the situation best,
Sarah Palin is a charismatic leader with a devoted national following and ambition to match. So there's no surprise if she sees a future for herself beyond Alaska.
But we thought she'd finish her work on the home front first. She hasn't made clear why she won't.
BOTTOM LINE: Governor's explanation for resignation doesn't make sense.
Unless there were serious health and family issues, Gov. Palin's resignation showsher continued willingness to dispose of people and supporters once they have helped her achieve her political ambitions. Her rambling media statement did not give health or family reasons for stepping down, I assume that she has decided to dispense with her committment to the people of Alaska, to either make a run for the White House or make a lot of money as a commentator on Fox News Network.
As the people of Alaska have just found out, you get what you pay for, whether it's cars, gadgets, or an aging beauty queen turned politician.
Capitano Tedeschi
She is just a freakin Loon !
And I mean that in the nicest way ...
We all got spared her special brand of whatever she was trying to get us to swallow.
Since she has recently challenged Obama to a foot race, maybe she really is thinking about getting on one of those survivor shows. "Survivor Wasilla" or something like that. Huckabee got a spot on Fox, so I'm quite sure that with Palin's star power, she'll soon be getting prime time on that network.
It's fun to speculate. In the meantime, Palin is working on her Bathroom Big Book of Cliches.
BGITYAT (by God I'll tell you another thing), a thought that occurred to me is that we have a terribly sad system of government when a leader cannot be effective in the last few years of office. Two years to do something and that's a lame duck. It seems our government is either making knee jerk actions or taking so long to accomplish something that the results become moot.
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