First of all, justice has been done, sorta. Bernie Madoff, was sentenced to 150 years in prison. Madoff is 71. Try to do as much of it as you can Bern!!! Some in the media hailed this sentence as a get tough warning to Wall Street. Heifer dust! No one at AIG, Lehman Brothers, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs or any of the other financial corporations the United States partially owns have been indicted for frauds related to the financial meltdown. The bond rating agencies, who were accessories abetted the fraud by giving AAA ratings to all of the mortgage backed securities have not even been given a slap on the wrist.
Carolina Governor Mark Sanford continues to provide the press with more details of various infidelities, actual and mental. Gov. Sanford fib about "hiking the Appalachian Trail," is now a euphemism for sneaking of to meet your mistress. Swampland's Michael Scherer is starting to lose sympathy for the errant governor:
Every time he talks about the pain in his heart, that organ, as seen through newsprint and cable news, seems somehow to shrink. Each new round of confessed aches and longing, every Biblical allusion, all the vagaries of his non-coital betrayals, of his dance floor marriage therapy, his electronic soul mate, his South American crying, the Hamptons tryst--all of it makes him look smaller and less significant. I don't care about his private pain.
I have a funny feeling that Gov. Sanford may soon be the butt of divorce barbie type jokes. The divorced Barbie joke? Q: What comes with the new Divorced Barbie Doll? A: All of Ken's Stuff. Q: What happens if your wife finds out you've been "hiking the Appalachian Trail?" A: She might let you keep the tent.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin stated in the August 2009 issue of Runner's World Magazine that she'd beat President Obama in a Marathon race. Good for you Gov. Palin. The only reason I looked at the story was that the Huffington Post and other online media outlets had a headine saying that Palin could be Obama. The headline made you assume that Gov. Palin was referring to the 2012 election, when actually she was referring to racing Obama in a Marathon. Unfortunately Sarah Barracuda was the subject of an unflattering article in Vanity Fair, by Todd S. Purdum. Gov. Palin, is not a Wasilla hockey mom, but
a political novice with an intuitive feel for the temper of her times, a woman who saw her opportunities and coolly seized them. In every job, she surrounded herself with an insular coterie of trusted friends, took disagreements personally, discarded people who were no longer useful, and swiftly dealt vengeance on enemies, real or perceived.
Finally, I want to congradulate the California State Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for failing to pass a state budget by June 30. They should be proud this is political incompetence at the highest level. The governor and the Republicans are refusing to countenance any increase in taxes. Unfortunately, there is no way to balance the state budget without some tax increases. This idiocy and unwillingness to compromise is bringing calls for a new California Constitutional Convention, which is probably the only way that state government effectively for all the people instead of for corrupt special interests and the intellectually challenged Sacramento politicians they support.
Capitano Tedeschi
1 week ago
The Gov. Sanford mess is just too pathetic to watch. I cringe everytime I hear him talk. I think he's having a mental breakdown. How else to explain his politically suicidal behavior?
So Palin thinks she can beat Obama in a marathon. Oooookay. I'll bet Michelle could kick her ass. LOL! Palin is a joke that keeps on giving.
Californians have to blame themselves as well for this budget crisis. We want services, but we don't want to pay for them, which creates a polical quagmire. Further, we passed laws through initiative that makes it impossible to raise most taxes without a vote. Those votes always fail. We are idiots. I don't think anything short of complete financial collapse will shock the average citizen out of their unrealistic expectations regarding what it takes to run a government. I worry for us.
I have been to self centered recently to keep up on these things and I thank you for posting about them. Linda's responses also teach me.
Thanks both of you.
Looks like we're not gong to have Sarah to push around anymore afterall. At least not until she comes back to life in some other politically macabre way.
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