Zombie Haiku
Just came across some fun stuff, Zombie Haiku, 17-syllable poems about zombies. #zombiehaiku on twitter has some great ones.
My Favorite is
living_deadgirl: His nose fell right off / into the waiting zombies / they did not eat it #michaeljacksonhaiku #zombiehaiku.
Which is a two-fer because its a zombie haiku and a Michael Jackson haiku as well. Sublime.
Below are my efforts
Five Zombie Haikus
undead stranger is
Tearing through my wall
Fresh brains eat!
I was relaxing
In my grave suddenly--
Brains au gratin
Obama zombies
Want my money to buy
more fresh brains
Dinner of sushi
not enough! Now you want
To eat my brain?
My fish is dead
Bloodstained cat toy
Bad zombie cat!
I have a sorta high school reunion coming up. Below is my RSVP (as yet unsent)
Reunion RSVP
You wonder if I
will return to fields
where flowers blossomed
thirty years ago.
bees harvest nectar
from the rose blossoms
in my garden here.
Capitano Tedeschi
Reunion RSVP and Five Zombie Haikus copyright June 18, 2009 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
I say this with complete honesty: Those are the best zombie hiakus I have ever read. Wild applause and laughter!
Jaimie you definitely broaden my horizons, I would have never known what a Haikus was!! Dont know if that is a good thing to brag about or not, just being the real me. I really am impressed with your knowledge of so many different things in this world.
Reunions.... Greg and I went to our 30th this last year. It was ok, nothing to get all excited about. I am not sure what your highschool memories were but mine were a little, ok a lot fuzzy. It was good to see some of the people though.
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