First of all, congratulations to South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford for giving up his chances to be humiliated to by Barrack Obama in 2012 to spend a week in Buenos Aires with his current mistress, whoever she may be. Gov. Sanford's failing is human, so he, his wife, and family have my sympathy.
I would have done the same thing, except, I don't have a wife, a family, a mistress or a chance of ever holding any kind of public office. Still Gov. Sanford has been a decent and principled public servant for most of his career. Life catches us in strange and mysterious ways.
Having been sympathetic for a moment, don't forget that Gov. Sanford had no qualms about depriving of the people of South Carolina $750 million in federal stimulous money. He also voted to impeach Pres. Bill Clinton for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, so he still has to spend some time in the penalty box.
He had the good taste not ask his wife to appear at his press conference, like former New York Governor Elliott Spitzer. Spitzer paid $4300 to spend the night with a prostitute. To his credit, Gov. Sanford didn't pay some kid $5400 to sleep with his mother like Nev. Senator John Ensign. Sanford's fugue still cost a pretty penny, first class round trip from Atlanta to Buenos Aires is about $6800, according to the search I did on Expedia. That doesn't include staying in a four-star hotel ($2200) and renting a car (no estimate) for those long drives along the Argentinian coast.
Are you a powerful politician with presidential aspirations? Well for just a few thousand dollars I can help free you from your delusions of presidential glory. Prices begin at $4300 to $6800 OAC. Democrats, Republicans and Italian Prime Ministers are welcome. Cheaper than the Betty Ford or some rehab in Malibu. (Note to self: business opportunity here).
We should all thank Gov. Sandford for taking the spotlight of media attention from the divorce of Jon and Kate Gosselin. I mean with all this crap about a revolution in Iraq, the bickering over President Obama's health care reform plan by Republicans and weak-kneed Democrats it's hard to focus on the real important stuff like Kate's posing in a bikini or Jon's search for a new apartment. All I know about this situation is what I read in the headlines, which in the case of Jon and Kate is way too much.
Capitano Tedeschi
Sanford photo courtesy of the SC Governor's Office
Well, what a damned mess he's gotten himself into now, Ollie.
Truthfully, his public apology was one of the most human I've seen in ... ever ... and I did feel compassion for him, but I also think the public should not have to pay for his folly.
One more time we are reminded that karma is a bitch. The very thing we criticize and condemn in others is likely to bite us in the ass.
The Rethuglicans are having a bad time lately ...
as the old saying goes
"A stiff one has no conscience"
All in all, it's the dilemma of craving gone hay wire.
Sad it is, for all that get involved in marriages and I too was guilty ages ago.
It's good to get mastery over that kinda stuff.
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