Tuesday, May 5, 2009

old as Eve and funnier than sin

Given what I know about human nature,
this is old as Eve and funnier than sin

I saw you at the party,
sorta of by the sink,
you looked
like someone who wanted to take the plunge
into ice cold water on a hot 106 degree
Bakersfield summer day.

So you hovered there by the sink
and I was wondering were you an Aires
or some other type of hard-assed sign?
because after seeing you in that gray
turtle neck and blue jeans
I was searching my schizophrenic brain
for a logical come-on line

Something that would move you
beyond the edge
because my old enemy,
disturbing testosterone
organizing testosterone
was wanting you for some
tongue thrust therapy
and a demonstration of mastery
that would gain a man
distinction even in Nebraska

So I swam toward you
like a leviathan in a sea full
of plankton and conversational trivia
bent on honoring you with
the psychopathy of my attentions
while trying to convince you that I was
beneficial and as safe as
a natural herbal compound

I did get lucky sorta,
I did not have to show you
a graphical representation
like a discreet wavelet our eyes met
and made an interocular transfer
what can I say, when I smile
my facial expressions are contagious

You and I we are as different
as Vikings and Native Americans
I think of you
by imagining my obsolescence
as a solitary number in
a world of binary pairings
I hope to woo you by
impressing you with thoughts and deeds
that change extrinsic factors
and move you from your position
of magna mater with the power of
female prepondurance

I left that party with your smile
and your phone number
and soon will we engage
in the construction of a reality
harsher than loneliness
and other
things I wish I still didn't remember
Given what I know about human nature

Capitano Tedeschi


old as Eve and funnier than sin May 5, 2009, copyright Jamie Jacks


Linda said...

Jamie, you are quite a poet. This is wonderful.

Capitano Tedeschi said...

Thank you Linda,

you are very kind, it is the return of an old habit once thought lost 26 years at a time ago.


Me said...

OH my god I love this!!!!
that intelligent wooing banter of the mind.
love it - don't loose it again !