Attending a yoga "class"
About three years ago, I stopped attending you classes at Bakersfield's Inner Body Works yoga studio. I can't figure out the exact reason, in the throes of writing my thesis, dealing with health problems and other issues. I can remember no single cause.
After I stopped going, I wanted to go back, but refused because I was maintaining a regular practice at my home. My practice has been sporadic and not very rigorous. So for a year and half I have wanted to return to classes but have been procrastinating.
Well that changed, this month because the new student recreation center SRC opened up at the Knowldedge Factory. It is an excellent facility, comparable to a high end sports club like the 24-hour Fitness Club I went to when I was visiting Austin, Texas in Dec. of 2008. The student recreation center offers a variety of classes including ballroom dancing, spin cycling, and yoga. I have a limited membership since I was once a fee paying student.
I thought taking in a yoga class at the SRC, might be a neat way to deepen my yoga practice. So I went to my first yoga class. I didn't know what to expect, I was hoping for an hour of gentle yoga. Unfortunately it was a "gym yoga class," which means it was more like an hour of stretching that sort resembles yoga. It was also held on a concrete floor, which was disappointing because there was very nice studio with wood floors that was not being used at the time. The teacher was pleasant, but not a well-trained and perhas not a long time practitioner. She led us through a variety of forms, with no balance or rhythm. It tried to do enjoy the class, but wound up leaving after a half an hour. So I have put a toe back in the water so to speak and hope that I will find yoga classes.
Applying for a new job.
In June of 2007, I graduated from the Knowledge Factory with a Masters Degree in Public Administration. For the last two years, people would ask me what I was going to do with my degree. I'd swallow and say that it had been my hope that I would be able to apply for a job on "another part of the knowledge factor floor," but the economy or personal issues did not justify changing jobs. Still I had been praying for an opportunity to come along. Last week, my prayer was answered. A job announcement was posted and I have many of the requisite qualifications. Tonight, after my hasty departure from the SRC, I worked on my resume and cover letter. They both look good. So on Friday, I turn in my application, take my suit to the cleaners and hope I get called in for an interview.
I am happy to finally apply for a position that matches my skills. Whatever the outcome, at least when I'm asked the question "What are you going to do with your Masters degree?" I can say, "Hey, I've been applying for jobs." You can not imagine how relieved I am that I will no longer be embarassed by that very reasonable and practical question.
Capitano Tedeschi
1 week ago
I've always viewed you as a very accomplished person. I've been impressed with you holding a job at the Knowledge Factory and with you pursuing a higher degree.
I wonder why it is we ever feel the need to apologize for ourselves. We are sober, we are productive, we are of service to others. Nothing to apologize for there.
The Sunday morning 8:15 class at Inner Body Works is about all I'm capable of at my current girth and flexibility. It's restoration yoga. I like the feel and I like the name. Maybe someday I'll be able to go to a beginner's class. :)
Concrete and Yoga??? Did it hurt? Anyway I am totally impressed Jamie with your accomplishments absolutely nothing to be embarresed by, but I do identify with what you said. All the insecurities that I have of, like am I doing what I should be doing, should I be doing more, all that stuff that questions my moments. Today I can say that I am comfortable with what I am doing or with what I am not doing, I just am. It sure is better for me that way. My life flows so much easier, unless I make a damm of it with junk thinking that comes up at times. Good luck in your job opportunities.
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