This morning
I wonder why I feel the cold
so much.
It seems to have settled, in the
semipermeable membranes between
my joints.
The blood in my fingers
courses like winter rain
chilling even the warmest regions
of my torso and thighs.
My first two steps
inform me that
ice crystals are lodged
in my ankles and insteps
There is pain
but worse
I have to ask why?
Or say "Fuck You Pain" or
just plain "Fuck You" in general
Would that there were some
aversive therapy to
keep me from wondering,
bar me, block me
from trying to assemble
a cognitive model or
narrative commentary
that tries to make meaing from
my daily confrontation
with my body
enduring being and movement
I once so blithely
dismissed or ignored.
Let's face it starting the day
with a "Fuck You" is not a
spiritually advanced way
to begins one's morning.
Capitano Tedeschi
not a spiritually advanced way to begin one's morning copyright 18 January 2012 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
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