For you there may be
no happy ending
For we seeded
your future
with all manner of woe
You will reap the harvest
of all our many follies
Reaganism, the Prosperity Gospel
and the greatest of all frauds,
the so-called American Dream
Meanwhile we sleep undisturbed
by our disasters
believing ourselves to be
more than just works in progress
entering our 60th years
stronger, healthier and more
psychologically deluded
than all our illustrious forbearers
Pride bringeth folly
Oh yes it do!
Delusion bringeth death
not just for us but for you
When we yielded to the deviant temptation of power
power is more erotic and as one ages
as good and maybe even better
than kinky sex
I'll get back to you on that.
We were not blind
Make no mistake we were
tatooed on body and on soul
with mission statements and corporate visions
The world was...our mirror
everywhere we looked we saw ourselves
We had no time for the petty, eccentric
ethics or habits of the dying Victorian Age
not for us was thrift, or prudence or patience
we were all just artists
we were all just doin' our thing.
soon our run will be over
right now there's not a whole lot of ooomph left
I'll tell you plainly this place
wasn't paradise when we entered this world
But as we get older we look
at the world of our childhood
in black and white photos
Oh how we yearn to return to that paradise now
Sorry the way things worked out
Very bad for you, not so hot for us either
Capitano Tedeschi
Oh how we yearn to return to that paradise now copyright March 11, 2010 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago
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