source: came out into the parking lot at work and found a sticker like the one above with the phrase socialism is no joke, affixed to the tailgate of my beat up 1994 Toyata pickup. I was vexed by this not too serious act of vandalism. I have the remants of an Obama Biden bumpersticker on the bumper of my truck, a sticker showing I am a member of CSEA (California State Employees Association) and a sticker showing I am a Unitarian Universalist and a former member of the Kern Wheelmen.
Obviously, by putting those sticker on my truck, I am as Shakespeare would say, "Wearing my heart on my sleeve for the daws to peck at. There was a time when I didn't put bumperstickers on my truck, because I didn't really want people to know what I was thinking. But the last years of the Bush Administration made me change my mind. Suddenly it was important to let people know, I was a proud union member, a proud Unitarian/Universalist and yes a proud Obama Democrat.
But such actions have consequences. Since I work on a University campus, the sticker was stuck on my truck as a joke. Well the sticker is removed. I've filed a complaint with the campus police, and have stated that I will file charges if this particular prankster is ever caught.
I'm not a socialist. I own stock, have house and a 401k. Success of capitalism, especially American capitalism is important. Being middle class does not mean that ignorant of the problems facing people not only in Bakersfield or America but around the globe. I imagine myself as I am someone who is working in a small way for social justice. Yes I am an Obama supporter.
When I see a sticker placed on my truck (my property) I understand it's probably a one-time deal a prank. Sadly the current hatred of right-wing reactionaries who are posing as hard-core conservatives, towards anybody who objects to their corrupt political and fanatical religious and social views demands that they call anyone who disagrees with them as an enemy to "their America." That forces them to falsely villify Pres. Obama by comparing him to the Joker, and to insult me by putting their foul sticker on my truck.
I am not their enemy. Like them, I care about America and am working as a citizen to try to make it a better place.
Capitano Tedeschi
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