Who really understands
the logic of these brain-diseased
who sociologist describe
as "The Big House Dwelling People?"
Their behavior came from axons
deep in their bones.
For decades bred they had been
selection determined by the regression
from logic to instinct
and a genetic inability
to delay gratification
or count the cost.
Oh, they worshipped their God
with rational ritual
and prayers for permance
of their personal objects:
money, cars, waning sexuality, and
other healthful consumer choices.
Their prayers sadly
never prevented
never preserved.
The things they called
"Ethical Failures,"
Lying, Cheating or Genocide.
Never mattered because
they believed they had a ticket to ride
they believed the ride would never end
The ride ended
they suffered grief
beyond normal grief
but after all their suffering
thought was never given
to the injuries they had caused
nor to anyone else's well-being
Do they deserve our sympathy
as victims
or our contempt when they
are tried as defendants?
No one should ever judge
who has not walked a mile
in their smelly Gucci shoes?
But this brief chronicle of their folly
shows that there is really no limit
to human self-deception.
That much is certain
That much I can confidently say.
Capitano Tedeschi
Big House Dwelling People copyright Feb. 24, 2010 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago