Friday, April 10, 2009

POETS day (Push Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday)


We talk motorcycles.
He rides. I dream, ever
the safe voyeur.

New Love

Here I go again
Naked feet
Shattered glass
Tip toe through disaster
Clean up mess

Adriatic Dream

Friday afternoon
Outside sunshine
Air gives a hint of moisture
from a distant sea
Springtime in Bakersfield

Inside, I work at looking busy.
My fan drones like a jet engine.
Its air flows across
my right shoulder as if
it were an aluminum wing
that has no lift.

Eyes closed
Café in Trieste
Gelato in Split
Dinner in Dubrovnik

This day ends
That day comes no closer

Capitano Tedeschi


copyright 2009 Jamie Jacks


Professor Peggy DeStefano said...

Jamie! Are you on a poem a day binge? Good stuff, my friend!

Linda said...

Thank you for your very thoughtful comment on my Eating Zombies entry. You are a kind man.