Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Bernie Madoff song

I dreamed I saw Bernie Madoff
Sung to the melody of the folksong Joe Hill as sung by Joan Baez

I dreamed I saw Bernie Madoff
Being sentenced on TV
Bern, I said, in ten you'll be dead
"I'll never die" says he
"I'll never die" says he

But Bern you ran a Ponzi scheme
that turned rich people poor
Thousands of people want you dead
Says Bern "don't be a bore"
Says Bern "don't be a bore"

They gave you their life savings Bern
They gave you their confidence
They're asking where their money's gone
Says Bern "my house in France"
Says Bern "my house in France"

Bern, you now sit in a New York jail
Will you cop a plea?
Give back all the money you stole
"Never" says our Bernie
"Never" says our Bernie

From Citibank to AIG
Wall street has left us broke
Bernie Madoff smiles in his prison cell
Life sometimes is a joke
Life sometimes is a joke

I dreamed I saw Bernie Madoff,
Being sentenced to burn in Hell
I hope the Devil is one of your investors Bern
Says Bernie, "I'll never tell."
Says Bernie, "I'll never tell."

Capitano Tedeshi


1 comment:

Linda said...

Wild applause. :)