Friday, January 30, 2009

Blagojevich's last hurrah

Yesterday, Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich was impeached by the Illinois state senate. They not only impeached him, they banned him from holding public office in Illinois.

Blagovich spent his last few hours as governor cleaning out his office and saying farewell to staffers. He also spent time pondering his fate which compared to a Greek tragedy and trying to figure out how he was going to pay his mortgage now that he is out of a job. At the end though, he was upbeat. He told the New York Times reporter Monica Davey, "Look I always think creatively. I don’t give up.”

Fortunately, for the governor he will not have to suffer the fate of the tragic ancient Greek King Oedipius and take long steel needles with really sharp points and plunge them into eyes. I have a few suggestions for possible career choices that the ex-governor might want to pursue. They are:

Recurring character on Sesame Street, as the Letter F@#$$*!!! because little boys like me all want to know how to spell and use that word.

Fifth member of Alvin and the Chipmunks (It's the hair).

Bathroom atttendant at O'Hare airport, because people always need to be told where to go and what to do when the restroom is out of toilet paper.

Cab driver in Chicago or New York (At least he speaks English and his his hair is washed and combed.)

Rod the Bleeper for Palin 2012 (Change you can BLEEPIN' trust).

Professional Swinger (search for this on Google if you dare) , Both he and his wife Patricia have shown they can talk the talk, so probably they can walk the walk.

The next white Rap Artist--Blago-Bleeeeeeeep!!!!!!!!!!

Star in the sequel to Forest Gump because "Life is like a box of BLEEP!!!"

Spokesperson for Dale Carnegie on "How not to win friends and BLEEP!!! yourself!"

Regulare contributor on the Nancy Grace show, because those two people BLEEPING deserve each other.

So cheer up, Mr. Blagojevich, "every silver lining has a cloud" and "it's always dawnest before the dark"

Capitano Tedeschi




Me said...

ahahahhaaahhaahahahahah !

sadhu ... well said

jseals822 said...

His hair does remind me of the old Ken doll, ya know Barbies old boyfriend! Your career choices are great, gave me a good smile.

Linda said...

Priceless, el capitan!

I especially agree with the last suggestion. :)