January 20, 2014. Martin Luther King Holiday (Observed)
As I was thinking about the King Holiday
today, I was remembering that after Dr. King's death, I was in 8th grade
and out teacher read an editorial claiming that Martin Luther King was a
communist. I don't remember where the editorial came
from, part of me wants to say it was inspired by the FBI, but I can't
be certain. As I think of it today, I was thinking what a terrible lie
should be taught in an American 8th grade class just a few weeks after
his assassination. Thinking of that day in 1968, I am filled with
sadness and anger. Sadness about the death of Dr. King. Anger that 50
years on, many of the things he and the Civil Rights Movement fought for are
under attack by America's neo-fascists and their plutocrat paymasters.
The struggle continues.
Capitano Tedeschi
1 week ago