There's a saying "Make a plan and God laughs," a corollary to that statement is any time Jamie does household repairs, God rolls on the floor and laughs his ass off. The runner on one of my shower doors needed to be replaced. So I carefully pulled the shower doors out of the shower, unscrewed one of the wheeled runners, took it to Orchard Supply Hardware. I got the correct replacement. Came home used my Swiss Army knife to open the package, and started screwing the runner wheels on the shower. It was then that I discovered that the knife is very sharp by running my index finger across the portion of the blade. The cut, "not so deep as a well nor so wide as a church door," twas a trifle but it served. It served. Bleeding, blasphemy and bandage then followed. Rested. Took Bella to the Dog Park, and came back and rehung the shower doors which I completed without further bloodshed. Now I feel ambitious, like doing some re-wiring or unclogging my garbage disposal. What could possibly go wrong?
Capitano Tedeschi
Hazards of home repair copyright 30 March 2013 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago