Ponder then this Presidential Library
Where Egypt's Pharaohs built
pyramids of stone to safeguard
their immortal lives
The Head Cheer Leader,
The Emperor on the Dry Drunks
built a pyramid of delusion and lies
at some Jesus Cult college in Texas
and called it a library
At the entrance like an Aluminum Butterfly
on a giant stone pin
a replica of the Alabama Air National Guard
F-102 fighter jet not flown
by former President Bush
during the Vietnam War.
As you enter the library,
the first stop is the
Abu Ghraib Prison interactive exhibit,
where visitors can sic virtual German Shepherds
at naked Iraqi prisoner holographs
in violation of the Geneva Conventions.
Please note the after visiting the Abu Graib Exhibit
visitors will have to spend 8 years
in a real military prison.
It's right next to the Replica of Co-President
Dick Cheney's Office as depicted in Dante's Inferno
Nothing like the smell of sulphur and brimstone
to work up an appetite
Next stop is the cafeteria
In the cafeteria you can have pulled pork sandwiches
flown fresh everyday
from the American Embassy in Bahgdad and served
free of charge courtesy of the American taxpayer,
the People of Free Democrat Iraq,
Halliburton and Kellog, Brown & Root.
After lunch you must go the Battle of Falluja Exhibit
drive go-carts that look like HumVees
over a course of real Improvised Explosive Devices
when you've finished, those of you that survive
will be consoled by an anamatronic replica of
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
who smiles like an avuncular crocodile
and will tell you "Stuff happens."
Be sure to visit, the amazing Water Park.
The Pool of Unreflection, a monument to the 43rd President's
spectacularly unexamined life.
Be sure to come early and fly in
minature replicas of Air Force One over
a scale model of the 9th Ward of the City of New Orleans
which also cleverly hides the library's wastewater treatment faciliy
Don't miss the interactive "Enhanced Interrogation Pool"
where vistor's will be waterboard up 183 times until
they agree that waterboarding isn't torture
For children
There's the Art Department
where you can play with fake yellow-cake uranium
and put powdered sugar into glass vials
just like the ones used by Sec. of State Colin Powell
to con the United Nations into passing a resolution
green lighting war against Iraq
Each child will be given a
set of crayons which can be used to create
Law degrees from Franklin University or
replicas of the John Yoo torture memos
At 2:00 they'll be a reading of "The Pet Goat"
Teenagers and the college students are not forgotten
There are educational exhibits
on "How to Underestimate the Cost of the Iraq War
by $2.995 Trillion" or
"How to Bankrupt the Treasury" exhibit
where visitors will be required to donate monies
from their individual retirement accounts to pay off
the $5.1 trillion dollar in federal debt incurred by President Bush
during his 8 years in office.
By now visitors will be heading
for the exit.
No one lingers here.
No scholar will ever be allowed
to truly access its archives
As you leave you'll wonder why this place
has no mirrors, no way to contemplate
if power corrupts
what happens when a totally
corrupt man is voted into power.
No best not think of that.
Capitano Tedeschi
Ponder then this Presidential Library copyright April 25, 2013 by Jamie Jacks