Sunday, February 19, 2012

Apocalypse postponed

Beyond the earthquakes
of suffering
petty squabbles
and strife

Beyond the reach
of the cold north wind
that brings only sorrow
and no rain

To a place
where like wounded bear
I stagger
seeking Utopia, bliss, immortality

There is no such place
because wherever I go
strife follows
like a sarcastic, sticky shadow

Still with an old friend
drinking an infusion
of companionship
and coffee

We talk of basketball
his dog, Otis
the ever-muddy
chocolate lab

The building feels
the earthquake but barely shudders
the cold winds bring
the joy of much needed rain

The end of the world
is postponed it's
only Saturday
for Christ's sake


Capitano Tedeschi


Apocalypse postponed copyright Feb. 19, 2012 by Jamie Jacks

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Waiting for the New World Order

Waiting for the gospel's promises
set forth in Revelation's prophecies
to manifest themselves.

Waiting while the stench decay keeps rising
from those festering Gomorrah's
New York City and San Francisco.

Waiting while rapists, murderers, Mexicans,
secular humanists, and yoga practitioners
cavort like swine and use every method
imaginable to glorify and spread their so-called "lifestyles."

No, yearning for the tribulation,
when the faithful and virtuous
are gathered together and sheltered
from the end of times
by the Holy Spirit and a loving Jesus.

Waiting for this world to be cleansed,
engulfed in a series of Vesuvius-like eruptions
that fill the sky with suffocating ash
cover the land with molten lava
to burn and bury
the sinners and all their works.

Waiting for the second coming of the Messiah,
the re-population
of the New Eden, the New Jerusalem
where the streets are clean and safe
where you can drive your Chevy Suburban
or Cadillac to the grocery store
or to church without being screamed at
by the tree-huggers or abortionists.

Waiting for the New World Order
where the American flag flies
and gold coins are real money.
Where everyone is protected
by the heroes of 9/11, the contractors provided by
Blackwater, Haliburton and Fox News.
Where the children go to school
to study the bible and learn to fear the rod
so they'll act like little angels
Where people don't talk
on their cell phones
during the Ronald Reagan Film Festival
or snicker when told that 6,000 years ago
the cave men rode dinosaurs
Where everyone sings along when
Chuck Norris sings all four verses of "America the Beautiful"
accompanied by Mike Huckabee
jamming on Elvis's electric guitar.

Waiting for the day
that God and Rush Limbaugh have promised

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Capitano Tedeschi


Waiting for the New World Order copyright Feb. 16, 2012 by Jamie Jacks