My head aches
as if I've come down with some
acute, critical and wasting illnes
Has a fever scorched or
burned out
the cells that archive both
memory and common sense?
I feel like I've lost the ability
to differentiate reality
from illusion
I think I am seeing that science
has no importance anymore.
It is as disgusting as a
sexually transmitted disease.
Facts, like wise, have no power
and are overwhelmed, drowned
by a flood of plausible and oft-repeated lies.
Examples abound.
An aging beauty queen makes millions of $$$
uttering lies and sheer nonsense.
Such is her charisma she hopes to replace
the Electoral College with a swimsuit competition.
Meanwhile a non-plumber not-named Joe
stomps down the corridors of the
Mega-temple of Conservative, Christian power
ranting like a bald-headed Jeremiah
because the promised book deal and the TV gig
haven't come through.
Finally saddest of all the aged war-hero
the self-styled Maverick gelds himself
so he can cling to the trappings of political power.
Such lies lurk like a cancer.
A signal in the bones that
some of my cells,
damned to immortality,
have formed into a venonmous spider
that feeds on silk swathed pieces
of my brain and heart.
I am paralyzed by their gnawing.
The real world , glittering in the morning sun
beyond my grasp.
I have become an endangered species
no longer relevant.
A bit player in someone else's story.
An exhibit in alien museum or zoo
hidden behind a sign that says
"Please don't feed this animal."
He's old, fat, and toothles
and he still thinks he can bite.
Capitano Tedeschi
He still thinks he can bite copyright May 13, 2009 by Jamie Jacks
1 week ago